INDIAN GENOMIX PVT LIMITED is a pharmaceutical formulation Unit located in the industrial area of Plot. no.135,Phase-II,IDA Cherlapally,Hyderabad-51. The company is managed by Mr. M. Anil Kumar a post graduate in pharmacy.The company is manufacturing and marketing the said pharmaceutical formulations .The company INDIAN GENOMIX PRIVATE LIMITED is a well managed Pharmaceutical formulation unit which has W.H.O.G.M.P. Certification.
Indian Genomix Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of Pharmaceutical formulations such as Powders, Tablets / Boluses, Liquid Orals & Ointments. Indian Genomix Private Limited has professionally qualified team force which has established its manufacturing facility as per W.H.O.G.M.P. and is looking forward into establishing of an R & D centre to its capacity
We are prestigious formulator Manufacturer of Veterinary Injections, Veterinary Dewormer, Veterinary Feed Supplements, Veterinary Tablets, Pharmaceutical Injectables, Pharmaceutical Tablets, Pharmaceutical Syrup & many more.
Mainly for veterinary and also engaged in job work for national and multinational companies like Wockhard ,Hoest, Intervet, Pravagro, Novartis etc.
SECTIONS:INDIAN GENOMIX PVT LIMITED is having the manufacturing facility of tablets,boluses,dry powders,ointments and liquid orals.
TABLETS - BOLUSES : The capacities are based on three hundred days of working in eight hours shift in year.The unit is having aim manufacturing facilities of one crore tablets per anum and fifty lakhs bolus per year.
DRY POWDERS:The unit can manufacture five thousand kg per month of dry powders with hundred grams.
OINTMENTS :The unit is having the facility of three thousand kgs of ointment with packing of 100gms Tubes.
LIQUID ORALS :The unit is having the capacity of 2500 lt of batch size which will be filled in 100 ml, 500ml and 1 lt. The unit is designed mainly for high volume as majority of the products are for veterinary use domestic and export market for national and multinational companies.
Client satisfaction poses great importance. Clients feedback helps us to formulate creative plans for developing new range of products. We work hard for maintain high satisfaction parameters with the help of our quality production.